It all started with a basketball shoe. Instead of just discarding unused sports equipment, what if it could be given to people that could use it?
78 %
of low-income kids wont experience the joy of playing sports due to ever-growing cost of participation.
62 %
of kids today are not playing sports due to financial constraints
38 %
of kids were playing sports today with the number one obstacle being that couldn’t afford to.
The age of the average child that has to quit playing sports for less than three years.

The Solution?
Since 2017, Donate Sports has provided thousands of pieces of athletic equipment to at-need youth across the New York metropolitan area - everything from tennis racquets and lacrosse sticks to basketball shoes and baseball bats to ice hockey pads and golf clubs.

How? Just ask!
Donate Sports will accept any new or gently used item of sports gear. If we cannot accept it, we will work to find an organization that will. All we ask is items be in excellent condition, as the goal is to provide children and teens with the equipment they need to pursue the sports they love.

How Can I get Involved?
Volunteer to join the Donate Sports Squad in your community! Once a team of volunteers is assembled, collection drives begin! Collection drives happen twice a year - in the early Fall (September-October) for distribution in November and in the Winter (January-March) for distribution in May.